Home :: Miscellaneous :: 3M General Trim Adhesive 8088 Clear 474gm

3M General Trim Adhesive 8088 Clear 474gm

3M General Trim Adhesive 8088 Clear 474gm
Low VOC, clear, high strength adhesive for bonding automotive materials such as carpeting, fabrics and plastics to metal and other surfaces.
Low VOC, clear, high strength adhesive for bonding automotive materials such as carpeting, jute pads, fabrics and plastics to metal and other surfaces. Has good heat and water resistance.
Lace spray pattern and controlled spray width
High strength performance
High heat resistance
Good soak in control, minimizing possibility of bleed through
SKU 3M8088
Weight 1.30 kg
MSDS Click here to view manufacturer's MSDS
Our price: $45.00
(Ex GST)
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