Home :: Detailing :: Autoglym Hi Foam TFR 25lt

Autoglym Hi Foam TFR 25lt

Hi Foam TFR has excellent foaming characteristics, dwell time and cleaning power, easily removing traffic film and dirt.


Product Details Ready to use formulation with excellent foaming characteristics, dwell time and cleaning power featuring long lasting product cling. High Foam TFR is ideal for injector systems or bottle foam attachments. It stays in place, even on vertical surfaces. Directions for Use Using an injector, insert the chemical intake pipe directly into High Foam TFR container. Adjust dilution until the desired foam is created. 2-5% is a suggested starting point. Spray evenly onto the vehicle starting with lower areas. Agitate if required. Do not allow product to dry. Rinse off using high pressure water.

Weight 28.00 kg
Our price: $198.00
(Ex GST)
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