Home :: Spray Guns :: Epoca A-Type 1.5 Pro PA Viton

Epoca A-Type 1.5 Pro PA Viton

Epoca A-Type 1.5 Pro PA Viton

Structural parts of the head are resistant Polyamide nylon (PA) This prevents swelling of the head which causes pressure loss. Use PA with strong thinners and solvents used in the Automotive industry. Key Features: Air efficient; long spray time; no need to repressurise; large pump displacement.

Ideal For/Benefits: Oils and mineral fats silicone based; animal and vegetableoils; aliphatic hydrocarbons; very good resistance to weather; ozone, oxygen and sunlight. Suitable For: Industrial Cleaning; Building and Construction; Automotive; and Agriculture.

Weight 1.20 kg
Our price: $60.00
(Ex GST)
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