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Evapo- Rust Remover 1lt

"Super Safe Rust Remover"

Soak, Rinse, Dry - It's that Simple.

A product of extensive research, EVAPO-RUST rust remover is an environmentally safe water-based product that removes rust without the need for scrubbing. It's easy to use and anyone can restore their rusted tools, auto parts, even firearms to like-new condition.

Removes even heavy rust completely

Non-toxic, Non-corrosive, Safe on skin

No fumes or bad odors, non-flamable, no VOC's or HAP's

Bio-degradable, water soluble

Requires no special equipment

Will not harm unrusted steel, safe on other metals

Will not effect plastic, PVC, Viton and non-oxide based paints


Weight 1.50 kg
MSDS Click here to view manufacturer's MSDS
Our price: $64.00
(Ex GST)
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