Home :: Spray Guns :: Italco Mini Shine Gravity Spray Gun 0.8 - 1.0mm - 1.2mm

Italco Mini Shine Gravity Spray Gun 0.8 - 1.0mm - 1.2mm

Italco Mini Shine Gravity Spray Gun 0.8 - 1.0mm - 1.2mm

Designed by a professional Italian team, using advanced technology from America and Europe, the Italco Mini Shine Gravity Spray Gun is the epitome of spray gun atomisation perfection. Mini Shine is also ergonomic and designed for easy cleaning and maintenance and was cleverly designed with the trigger embedded through the gun body.

Available in 0.8mm - 1.0mm - 1.2mm
Weight 3.00 kg
Market price: $210.00
Our price: $160.00
(Ex GST)
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