Home :: Miscellaneous :: Transtar 4063 Super Stick Adhesive Aero

Transtar 4063 Super Stick Adhesive Aero

Transtar 4063 Super Stick Adhesive Aero
Super Stick Trim Adhesive is a non-staining, fast drying, high strength material. For best results, use at room temperature.

Large 715ml can. Adjustable spray nozzle.

Carpets, trunk linings, trim fabrics (except vinyl and silencer pads).

CAUTION: Since solvent may mar or attack some plastic or painted surfaces, masking is required where overspray may occur. This product is not recommended for installation of complete or partial vinyl tops. It may be used for small repair jobs on vinyl tops.

SKU 4063
Weight 1.20 kg
Our price: $30.00
(Ex GST)
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